In another case of harassment in panaji, goa, a home owner in la campala colony, panaji, goa has been falsely accused of causing dengue, and some people have filed complaints with the health department repeatedly.
The home owner does not stay overnight in the house which was repeatedly burgled due to high crime rate in the area and criminal trespassing, allegedly because the security agencies are giving duplicate masterkeys to their associates
Since the neighbours are hysterically accusing the home owner of causing dengue, the home owner is regularly inspecting the terrace to ensure that there is no bottle or container which is upright. On 14 July 2020, a bottle was kept upright on the terrace, in a clear case of criminal trespassing of the house when there was no upright bottle on 13 july 2020
It appears that some one had criminally trespassed on the terrace, jumping from the neighbour’s house, since the leaves of the periwinkle plant were damaged, had brown marks. There are other periwinkle plants nearby they were not damaged
In a clear case of harassment, waste of government resources, it appears that the neighbours or their associates are intentionally criminally trespassing on private property, placing containers or upright bottles on the terrace to collect rainwater and then filing fake dengue complaints
Later these periwinkle leaves were removed