Tree in government property cut and leaves, branches dumped in private property in panaji, goa

In a clear case of harassment of some home owners in la campala colony, panaji, goa, a star gooseberry tree growing in government property was cut and dumped in private property. While it is not known when the tree was cut, the home owner noticed the cut trees filling her compound on 13 July 2020.
The complete compound was filled with the cut tree branches, leaves. A tree and other plants in private property were also cut without the permission of the home owner
Later it appears that those were responsible for cutting the tree, cleared part of the trees they dumped, while damaging the gate of the house, the top hinges of the gate are removed .
Instead of keeping the undamaged part of the gate open, only the damaged part of the gate could be opened. The home owner had to waste a lot of time to remove the tree branches, so that people could enter the compound, through the undamaged section of the gate.

CCP cutting trees in private property, dumping leaves, branches blocking access to citizen’s house in panaji, goa

In another case of harassment of a single woman domain investor , CCP employees have trespassed private property in panaji, goa and cut down a tree and damaged other plants in July 2020
The tree was not entering into anyone’s compound, yet the CCP officials have cut the tree, taking advantage of the fact that the home owner was away.
They have also filled the compound with the tree, leaves, branches which they have cut and have not taken it away, and damaged the house gate in the process
Looking for legal help to get compensation for unauthorized cutting of the tree, gate damage and to prevent further damage to plants on the ground floor
If anyone else in panaji is also finding that their tree and plants in private property are being damaged please send an email to

Leaves used for making bouquet

The greedy cunning brahmin, bania officials are ruthless and shameless in their financial, banking, icann fraud on honest kshatriya domain investors, falsely claiming that their lazy greedy relatives and friends like greedy gujju asmita patel or brahmin puppets like goan bhandari sunaina chodan who do not spend any money on domains, own domains of the kshatriya domain investors, to get fraud relatives and friends raw/cbi salaries at the expense of the real domain investor

These officials fail to realize that growing plants is only a hobby, they are wasting taxpayer money for finding not existent proof since 2010. Leaves are used for making bouquets

digital Flores online

Leaves from government, neighbours trees falling in private citizen’s property, citizens blamed for causing dengue

Another of the endless harassments in panaji, goa, is how Leaves from government trees falling in private citizen’s property, and then the citizens are blamed for causing dengue
For at least 4-5 years , the people in area wanted to force the domain investor to sell her house cheaply, so they are filing fake dengue complaints with the health department.
Instead of understanding the motivation of those filing the dengue complaints, house sale at a low price, and comparing the house to other homes, plots in the area, the health department is wasting time, taxpayer money harassing the home owner.
Additionally the leaves from trees in the neighbours house and government property are falling in the house of the private citizen, making it look messy, with greedy neighbours falsely claiming that the leaves on the floor are causing dengue

Other than ajwain leaves no fresh leaves available for one week

Unlike the rest of india where lockdown began on 25 March 2020, in goa the lockdown started on 22 march 2020.
while the well connected raw/cbi employees may be informed in advance, private citizens like the domain investor have no insider information.
Till March 30, there was almost no fresh vegetables available, people who had a home garden had to use the leaves and other items for food
Lack of fresh vegetables and leaves creates health problems.
The domain investor has some ajwain plants, so she ate the leaves

school dropout cbi employee naina chandan again deputes her sari clad servant for aloevera leaf robbery in panaji

After her well documented theft of kadipatta leaves in 2019, school dropout cbi employee housewife sex queen naina chandan who looks like actress sneha wagh has started her robbery spree in panaji, goa robbing the aloevera leaves from the house of the malyali neighbour who is not in india
Since she does not wish to be caught robbing, criminally trespassing naina
On 8 february 2020 at around 12.40 in the afternoon, the muslim sari clad servant of naina chandan, dressed in a black and green sari was spotted entering the house of the malayali neighbour with a scissor. The servant then went to the rear part of the house and after 4-5 minutes, the servant emerged carrying three aloe vera leaves.
The footage of the robbery can also be confirmed on the cctv in naina chandan house, the servant is leaving with a scissor and coming back with ROBBED aloe vera leaves after 5-6 minutes
The gujju officials are always questioning the honesty of the domain investor to justify their FINANCIAL FRAUD on her, yet though the domain investor has repeatedly documented the ROBBERY, FRAUD of the the gujju role model school dropout naina chandan, her sons, karan, nikhil, they continue to get monthly raw/cbi salaries for faking domain ownership including this one, though the gujju fraudsters do not pay for or control this domain
A video of the servant with robbed aloe vera leaves, criminally trespassing, can be also provided to those who shout about criminal defamation
This indicates the double standards of the indian and goan government , they are ignoring all legally valid evidence of fraud and robbery against the gujju sex queen naina chandan, her lazy fraud sons, while criminally defaming the real domain investor for ten years though they have no evidence against the domain investor, a single woman

The domain investor can supply aloe vera leaves, please send email to

All flowering plants in compound being killed, leaves cut, due to hatred in panaji, goa

When the domain investor visits mumbai, everyone in the neighborhood speaks nicely to her, they do not falsely claim to own her house
in goa, when she goes to her house, the neighbours are spreading extremely nasty rumors, making up fake stories complaining to the police, ccp and everyone , falsely labelling her a security threat without any kind of proof at all, in a clear case of CRIMINAL DEFAMATION. Compared to her savings in Mumbai, the domain investor does not have any savings in goa, yet the people are so hysterical in criminally defaming her
the hatred of the immediate neighbors in panaji is very obvious though the domain investor was living alone in mumbai, and in goa, her relatives are here
This indicating that in some areas of panaji, educated people are not wanted, only school dropout SEX SERVICE providers like gujju housewife naina chandan who looks actress sneha wagh are role models for the intelligence and security agencies in panaji, goa
The domain investor has a gate for her house in panaji, goa, and some plants are growing in the compound, A few plants are flowering plants. Yet due to high levels of hatred in panaji, goa, someone is entering the house when the domain investor is not at home and killing all the flowering plants
On 31st January 2020, the domain investor found that a 4oclock plant was killed in her house in panaji,goa

Bay leaf tree owners not trimming their tree

Neighbours trees entering property is a major problem for property owners
goan bhandari R&AW employee call girl sunaina chodan has a large bay leaf tree in her property
The tree is now entering the property of others
The property owner is interested in finding the legal method of cutting the treee since rats and others are entering the house through the tree

why is edith the associate of gujju fraudster family of panaji sex queen cbi employee naina chandan, hounding the domain investor, insisting on cutting trees

Instead of admitting their BANKING, real estate fraud, and resigning from the raw/cbi jobs, the SHAMELESS LIAR gujju fraudster family of panaji sex queen cbi employee school dropout housewife naina chandan, who looks like actress sneha wagh, her lazy fraud sons karan, nikhil, continues to make fake dengue allegations though their associate edith
For some unknown reason, edith is insisting on cutting the trees in the house of a private citizen, forcing her to suspect the intentions
there are other homes, with coconuts trees growing on their roof, edith is only hounding the domain investor to cut the branches of trees . The trees are not even belonging the domain investor, edith can ask the tree owners to cut the tree.
Yet she is only insisting on entering the house of the domain investor to cut the tree
It clear indicates that there is a new real estate fraud being planned in panaji, goa